Monday, May 9, 2011

Ten Most Powerful Earthquakes in History

            Modern recording of the magnitude of earthquakes did not begin until 1900, when seismometers began to be developed and widely deployed.  As such, many magnitudes are estimated based on records available from the time.  The currently used scale for measuring the severity of earthquakes is the Moment Magnitude Scale, which is exponential, recording magnitudes from 1.0 to 10.0.
1.     1960 Great Chilean Earthquake
Valdivia, Chile
May 22, 1960
Magnitude 9.5
2.     1964 Good Friday Earthquake
Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA
March 27, 1964
Magnitude 9.2
3.     2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake
Indian Ocean, Sumatra, Indonesia
December 26, 2004
Magnitude 9.1
4.     1952 Kamchatka Earthquake
Kamchatka, Russia (then USSR)
November 4, 1952
Magnitude 9.0
5.     2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Pacific Ocean, Tohoku Region, Japan
March 11, 2011
Magnitude 9.0
6.     1833 Sumatra Earthquake
Sumatra, Indonesia
November 25, 1833
Magnitude 8.8 (estimated)
7.     1906 Ecuador-Colombia Earthquake
January 31, 1906
Magnitude 8.8
8.     2010 Chile Earthquake
Maule, Chile
February 27, 2010
Magnitude 8.8
9.     1700 Cascadia Earthquake
Pacific Ocean, USA and Canada
January 26, 1700
Magnitude 8.7 (estimated)
10.  1730 Valparaiso Earthquake
Valparaiso, Chile
July 8, 1730
Magnitude 8.7 (estimated)

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